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Bradley Deshield
Geboren inUnited States
27 years
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Margaret Aunt August 11, 2022
It's your birth date. You are so missed.

You girls are doing great. Inez has really been holding down.

Love you always

Aunt Margaret  
Lisa The Boo December 22, 2020
Bradley was "Boo" to us, his immediate family..... me, our Mom (Lizzie), and brothers Tom Tom, and Vince.  Our dad was out of the picture since, well, at least since Boo was a little guy, so he didn't remember much of Dad.  I miss Boo so much....he had his lil blanket when he was little, and he used to call it his "sucks".....God, i wish you would have looked out for him so he could be with us here today.... What Happened?  Why?  He was so young still??? Why him?
Lisa Your only sister June 28, 2013
I remember your first bike.... i bought it for you and was so proud.... I miss you and your presence so much....even though we were miles apart i always knew you were there.... but now that you're gone, I feel the emptiness.....I only can always love you my little brother, and always willl......I will meet you in heaven...Love you much

Evita best moments February 23, 2012
I will never for get the moments we shared together being there for both of the girls when they were born.  Seeing how happy you were to be a father was priceless.  The girls loved you so much and I remember how Amaya would get so excited to see you and I see you in her every day.  Alexis has your looks just like you.  Makes me sad that I couldn't share more memories.  Miss you Brad.
i remember  brad an all the guys coming over...laughin  n makeing me crack up...they would all get readt to be out him n ed thought they whre the finest lol awwww... oooo how i misss those daysss... r.i.p brad...
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